Promoting Bay View’s Spectacular Maritime History Through Its 71 Lake Captains:Their Ships, Their Homes, Their Families, and Their Sailing Adventures on the Great Lakes.

Discover Bay View's Hidden Maritime History

Bay View, Wisconsin, holds a maritime heritage that has remained largely undiscovered until now. Our society is on a quest to shed light on this remarkable history, bringing it to life through various initiatives.

Antiques, Restoration, & Sailing Adventures

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Explore Our Youtube Channel

For interactive walking tours of lake captain homes in Bay View, the restoration journey of the historic Johanna Brotch home, and even more maritime fun visit our Youtube channel, “Bay View: Town of Lake CAPTAINS!”

Explore Our Projects

Our proposed historic marker site to honor Bay View’s Lake Captains and tell a fascinating story about a dog that saved lives.

The restoration and preservation of the historic Johanna Brotch home, Bay Views’ first Female Ship Owner.

Take A Peek Inside The Historic Johanna Brotch Home

Preserving Bay View's Rich Maritime Legacy – Your Support Matters!

Help us uncover and preserve Bay View's maritime heritage. Your contribution, no matter the size, will make a significant impact on our efforts. Together, we can celebrate the captivating history of Bay View.

Contribute today and be a part of preserving history!

Contributions are not tax deductible as we are not a 501c(3) charity.