The Sailing Adventures of Captain Jacob S. “Jake” Saveland & Captain Timothy Kearns
The Sailing Adventures of Captain Jacob S. “Jake” Saveland (1843 - 1913)
His First and Only Home in Bay View (1890-1913)
801 East Linus Street
His Ships and Sailing Adventures While Living at 801 E. Linus St.
His ship(s) and sailing adventures while living here are unknown. He is confirmed as a lake captain for only one year while living here, 1891, ship unknown, but was likely a lake captain throughout his residence up through 1908.
His Ships and Sailing Adventures Before Bay View
Ships he captained (1860-89) before living in Bay View
Above left: the schooner Caleb Harrison, 1866-67, captain; Sailing adventures aboard as captain: On 13 June 1866, while being towed out of Milwaukee harbor, it got so close to the propeller Mayflower that the Harrison’s stowed anchor struck the Mayflower’s side, creating a “very ugly dent.” 34 On 06 November 1866, “ran into the north abutment of Walker’s Point Bridge and tore off a few timbers…the first mishap that the bridge has sustained.” 35 In mid-December 1866, lost its fore topsail in addition to other damage while in port Milwaukee, cause of damage unspecified. 36 In late May 1867, the Harrison’s flying jib caught fire from the sparks coming out of the tugboat’s smokestack that was towing the Harrison out of the harbor at Manistee, Michigan. The jib was so badly burned it was no longer functional. 37 Photo: Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library, Thunder Bay Research Collection.
Above center: the schooner Winnie Wing, 1868-71 – possibly to 1875, captain; Sailing adventures aboard as captain: On 30 September 1868, had to relinquish command temporarily due to an attack of “bilious fever.” 38 On 19 October 1868, lost its large anchor and chain near Lake View (location unknown), but its small anchor held. If it had not, the Wing would have gone aground. 39 In early December 1869, grounded in the river at Manistee, Michigan, and was pulled off after three days. 40 On 24 July 1870, passed by a dead man floating in Lake Michigan. 41 On 16 October 1871, reported seeing a small scow off North Point that had lost its mainsail and jib. 42 Photo: US Army Corps of Engineers, Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library, Thunder Bay Research Collection.
Above right: the schooner Monitor, probable 1876 – 77, captain; Sailing adventures aboard as captain: in late January 1877, both of his hands were frozen so badly that it was initially feared all of his fingers on both hands would have to be amputated. Shortly thereafter, his hands recovered and all of his fingers were saved. 43
Photo: Robert Saveland, Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library, Thunder Bay Research Collection.
Above left: the schooner J & A Stronach, 1878, captain; Sailing adventures aboard as captain: On 05 October 1878, at 5 am., collided with the schooner Transit while entering the bay at Hamlin, Michigan. The Transit was substantially damaged. Both ships made port safely. 44 Photo courtesy the Dossin Great Lakes Museum, Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library, Thunder Bay Research Collection.
Above right: the schooner Saveland, possible 1888-89, captain; Sailing adventures aboard as captain: none reported.
Photo: Robert Saveland, Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library, Thunder Bay Research Collection.
The Sailing Adventures of Captain Timothy Kearns (1857-1927)
His First Home in Bay View (1888-October 1895)
538 East Linus Street
His Ships and Sailing Adventures While Living at 538 E. Linus St.
Above: the schooner Conquest, 1893-95; Sailing adventures while captain (and owner): none discovered. Photo courtesy the Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library, Thunder Bay Research Collection.
His Second Home in Bay View (1897)
822 East Lincoln Avenue
His Ships and Sailing Adventures While Living at 822 E. Lincoln Ave.
Above: The fireboat James Foley, 1897; Sailing adventures while captain: none discovered
Photo courtesy the Historical Collections of the Great Lakes, Bowling Green State University.
His Third Home in Bay View (1901)
2616 South Superior Street (torn down)
His Ships and Sailing Adventures While Living at 2616 S. Superior St.
Unknown. He was a lake captain while he lived here, but without knowing the name of the ship it’s not possible to determine any sailing adventures he may have had while aboard.
His Ships and Sailing Adventures Before and After Bay View
He had so many residences before and after Bay View that they will not be duplicated from them in the text above. The ship(s) he served on before and after Bay View are unknown, therefore any adventures he may have had aboard are unknown.