Sailing Adventures of Captain Reuben D. Nelson (1923-?)

(Sources provided in Volume II of the book, “Bay View: Town of Lake CAPTAINS!” available for purchase now on and

His Only Home in Bay View (1948)

2260 South Mound Street (torn down)

His Ships and Sailing Adventures While Living Here

The fishing boat Hocks, 1948 (no photo discovered); Sailing adventures while captain: On 15 January 1948, sailed out into a gale at night in 10-foot waves to successfully rescue another fishing boat in distress, five miles off Cudahy in Lake Michigan, and tow it back to port. He was guided to this other boat in distress by an airline pilot flying a probable DC-3 who spotted the distressed-boat’s fire signals. This rescue is discussed at length on the video about Captain Nelson on our YouTube channel, “Bay View: Town of Lake CAPTAINS!”


Antique of the Month - 20th Century Maritime Chronometer


Antique of the Month - 1882 Sea Captain’s Spyglass