The Sailing Adventures of Captain Patrick H. Kearns & Captain Colin C. Carlisle
The Sailing Adventures of Captain Patrick H. Kearns (1851 – post-1927)
His First Home in Bay View (1889-Oct 1891)
538 East Linus Street
His Ships and Sailing Adventures While Living at 538 E. Linus St.
Ship(s) unknown for 1889-90, “mate,” possibly aboard his brother Thomas’ schooner Conquest
The schooner Lavinda, no photo discovered, February – October 1891 (living with brother and fellow Bay View lake captain Thomas Kearns from 1888-91, captain and owner the schooner Conquest); Sailing adventures aboard as captain: On 12 August 1891, while tied up to pier loading cargo, the passing steamship City of Fremont got pulled into a collision with the Lavinda, tearing off the Lavinda’s jibboom, necessitating the replacement of the Lavinda’s entire bowsprit. 19
His Second Home in Bay View (November 1891-1894)
2350 South Howell Avenue
His Ships and Sailing Adventures While Living at 2350 S. Howell Ave
The schooner Lavinda, no photo discovered, November 1891-1894; Sailing adventures aboard as owner and captain: none reported.
His Ships and Sailing Adventures Before Bay View (1884-88)
Ship(s) unknown for 1884-88, probably working as crewman; Sailing adventures as crewman: without knowing the ship(s) he was aboard, it is not possible to determine any sailing adventures for him
His Ships and Sailing Adventures After Bay View (1895-96)
The schooner Lavinda, no photo discovered, 1895-96; Sailing adventures aboard as owner and captain: none discovered, though he abandoned the Lavinda after the 1896 sailing season to become a foreman at the Bay View Rolling Mill the next year, 1897.
The Sailing Adventures of Captain Colin C. Carlisle (1890-1965)
His First Home in Bay View (1923-39, except 1930)
615 East Potter Avenue
His Ships and Sailing Adventures While Living at 615 E. Potter Ave.
Above left: steamship Harvard, 1923; Sailing adventures while aboard as 1st mate: none discovered.
1924: 1st Mate, ship unknown.
Above center: steamship Francis E. House, 1925; Sailing adventures while aboard as 1st mate: none discovered.
Above right: steamship William P. Palmer, 1926; Sailing adventures while aboard as 1st mate: none discovered.
All photos courtesy the Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library, Thunder Bay Research Collection (the William P. Palmer courtesy Kenneth Thro).
Above left: steamship William A. McGonagle, 1927; Sailing adventures while aboard as 1st mate: none discovered.
Above center: steamship George G. Crawford, 1928; Sailing adventures while aboard as 1st mate: none discovered.
Above right: steamship Elbert H. Gary, 1929; Sailing adventures while aboard as 1st mate: On 22 October 1929, “…sailed through the same storm that sank the car ferry Milwaukee and brought in the first definite evidence which cleared the doubt as to its fate. Captain Carlisle recalled to a newspaper reporter later, ‘We left South Chicago the next morning and ran through a mass of wreckage between Kenosha and Waukegan. We picked up the first body to be recovered. It was a fireman wearing a life preserver stenciled, Milwaukee. There was much anxiety (in the news) as to what had happened to the car ferry, so we turned our course for the port of Milwaukee to relieve the apprehension.’” 28 All photos courtesy the Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library, Thunder Bay Research Collection, with the Crawford and Gary taken by Louis J. Pesha (1868-1912).
Above left: steamship Zenith City, 1931; Sailing adventures while captain: none discovered.
Above center: steamship William E. Corey, 1931; Sailing adventures while aboard as 1st mate: none discovered.
1932: Captain, ship unknown;
Above right: steamship Maunaloa, 1933; Sailing adventures while captain: none discovered.
All three photos courtesy the Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library, Thunder Bay Research Collection; the Zenith City from the Dossin Great Lakes Museum.
Above left: steamship J. Pierpont Morgan, 1934; Sailing adventures while aboard as 1st mate: none discovered.
Above center: steamship J.P. Morgan Jr., 1935; Sailing adventures while aboard as 1st mate: none discovered.
Above right: steamship Rensselaer, 1936; Sailing adventures while captain: none discovered.
All three photos courtesy the Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library, Thunder Bay Research Collection; the J. Pierpont Morgan photo taken by Louis J. Pesha (1868-1912); the J. P. Morgan, Jr., photo courtesy Kenneth Thro.
Above left: steamship Isaac L. Ellwood, 1937; Sailing adventures while captain: none discovered.
Above center: steamship Eugene P. Thomas, 1938: Sailing adventures while aboard as 1st mate: none discovered.
Above right: steamship Norman B. Ream, 1939; Sailing adventures while captain: none discovered.
All three photos courtesy the Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library, Thunder Bay Research Collection; photo of the Isaac L. Ellwood from the Edward J. Dowling Collection, University of Detroit-Mercy.
His Second Home in Bay View (1930)
1810 East Oklahoma Avenue
His Ships and Sailing Adventures While Living at 1810 E. Oklahoma Ave.
Above: steamship Zenith City, 1930; Sailing adventures while captain: On 21 July 1930, a sudden squall tore away a barge being towed by the Zenith City in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan and blew it ashore. Tugboats recovered the barge and towed it back to the Zenith City where it was re-attached and taken in tow again. The barge was undamaged. 29 Photo courtesy the Dossin Great Lakes Museum, Alpena County George N. Fletcher Public Library, Thunder Bay Research Collection.
His Ships and Sailing Adventures Before Bay View
Ships he was a crewman and officer aboard before living in Bay View
Note: because he served on so many different ships during his career, to save space in this lengthy volume only the photos for ships he served on while living in Bay View are shown per above. The ships he served aboard before his moving to Bay View are listed here below 30 by name only (no photos):
Steamship(s), number and names unknown, 1910-12; Sailing adventures while aboard as crewman: none discovered.
Steamship, name unknown, 1913; Sailing adventures while aboard as crewman: storm (lake unknown) threw waves over the length of the ship. 31
Steamship Simon J. Murphy, 1915; Sailing adventures while aboard as 2nd mate: none discovered.
Steamship J. Pierpont Morgan, 1916; Sailing adventures while aboard as 2nd mate: none discovered.
Steamship John Ericsson, 1917; Sailing adventures while aboard as 1st mate: none discovered.
Steamship Maunaloa, 1918; Sailing adventures while aboard as 1st mate: none discovered.
Steamship Harvard, 1919; Sailing adventures while aboard as 1st mate: none discovered.
Steamship William J. Filbert, 1920; Sailing adventures while aboard as 1st mate: none discovered.
Steamship Richard Trimble, 1921; Sailing adventures while aboard as 1st mate: none discovered.
1922, ship unknown
His Ships and Sailing Adventures After Bay View
Note: because he served on so many different ships during his career, to save space in this lengthy volume only the photos for ships he served on while living in Bay View are shown per above. The ships he served aboard after leaving Bay View are listed here below 32 by name only (no photos):
Steamship William P. Palmer, 1940; Sailing adventures while aboard as captain: none discovered.
Steamship Myron C. Taylor, 1941-45; Sailing adventures while aboard as captain: none discovered.
Steamship William A. Irvin, 1946-50; Sailing adventures while aboard as captain: none discovered.
Steamship Irving S. Olds, 1951-53; Sailing adventures while aboard as captain: none discovered.
Steamship Philip R. Clarke, 1954-55; Sailing adventures while aboard as captain: none discovered.